What is the Process for Getting a Building Built in Florida?

There’s no denying how many people are trying to buy and build on land in Florida. What’s not to love? – Well, perhaps the slow phases of the construction process, not to mention, keeping track of all the Florida building requirements. It is important to know the exact rules and regulations in your city for building specifically in the Tampa Bay metro area. From the pre-construction and building phases to the final inspections, knowing the process of how to get a building built in Florida will make your life easier. Learn about the building requirements, specifics, as well as, phases before your next project!


Pre-Construction Phase

  1. Find Land. In order to start the process, you will need to select a lot that will then be approved by an engineer. Specifically, in Florida, the land is extremely scarce in the Tampa Bay metro area. Finding the lot for you will take time and research.
  2. Plan. After you know where you will build, you will need to develop plans for what you specifically want. In these detailed plans, you should include estimates, budgets, and specific construction steps. This will help the engineer and the city better understand your project.
  3. Approval. You will need to get your plans and land approved before starting any construction. If the city doesn’t want the construction to happen, it won’t happen. Likewise, if an engineer doesn’t approve of the project, you won’t be able to continue with the next steps.


Construction Phase

  1. Find Subcontractors. If you have years of experience in the field, finding subcontractors can be extremely easy. If you are newer to the construction field, the best way to find subcontractors is through word-of-mouth; asking a friend. Most people have likely hired a subcontractor at some point that they may be able to recommend.
  2. Site Preparation. In this step, you will have to level out the site to prepare for the foundation of the project. This step must be done properly and not rushed since it is the groundwork for the success of the project.
  3. Building. Although broad, the building step includes getting work completed from the superstructure to external and internal finishing. The hired subcontractors will be able to complete their masonry, electrical, plumbing, roofing, flooring, windows, waterproofing, and painting work. The building process can take a while since inspections are required throughout each job. The speed also relies heavily on the timing of each subcontractor.


Post-Construction Phase

  1. Final Inspection. To ensure the inspection will be completed as smoothly as possible, it is important to be prepared with the proper documents. This is the final step in the construction process and is essential to completing the project.


Building Requirements Specific to Florida

Hurricane season in Florida runs from the start of June to the end of November. Out of all the states, Florida faces the biggest risk during the hurricane season. Since construction relies heavily on the weather, many projects can be postponed or even damaged during hurricane season. Due to the potential damage, Florida has its own building requirements set in place to protect homeowners, builders, and everybody around. Since the majority of Florida is surrounded by water, the coastal counties tend to get hit with the worst winds. Wind-borne debris zones, like Pinellas County, have their own requirements on their projects. For instance, homes that are built-in coastal building zones are required to be elevated in case of flooding. Additional wind resistance should be put into roofs for hurricane protection. To learn more about the specific requirements for each zone and type of building, check out some of our listed resources below.

  • Florida Building Construction Standards:


  • The Florida Building Code:



Key Tips:

  • Do Your Research. It can be confusing what permits and building requirements are required in your Florida county. By doing your research ahead of time, you save yourself from potentially not passing a final inspection.
  • Licensed and Insured. Protect yourself and your project by making sure every worker is licensed and insured. This includes checking that they get blueprints approved by an engineer.
  • Communication. The length of the project will vary due to weather factors, especially in Florida. It is important to communicate any changes or updates to the project timeframe as well as plans.


PAR 44 Builders is Ready to Help You

At PAR 44 Builders, we understand how there are several overwhelming elements to construction projects. That is why we make it our goal to make the process easier and smoother for you. We provide our clients with assistance, services, and consistent communication throughout the pre-construction, construction, and post-construction phases. With quality and a timely speed being at the top of our priority, we ensure our clients will be more than satisfied with our construction projects. Schedule a consultation today to see how we can get started on your next construction project 727-638-7421.

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